Saturday, August 21, 2010

Horse - Horse health

How to look after your horse health? If this is the question that is flying in your mind than you must know that just like humans, health of horse plays a vital role while dealing with them. Horses easily get infected with the change in weather, unhygienic food, dust, dirty water or unhygienic place. If you want your horse to be beautiful and majestic than all you need to do is to provide good health to your horse.

The owner must have the basic knowledge about the disease often found in horses. At times Veterinarians live far away or are unable to respond to a call immediately, so owners should handle a sick horse on their own.
Some of the common diseases seen in horses and some horse health tips are mentioned below so that in an emergency, action can be taken.


It is the most commonly found disease in a horse. It is a sensitive gastrointestinal dilemma. In some cases, it indicates as an impaction of waste in the intestines; in others, it might respond as a stomach ache from changing feed or eating too fast.
When horses suffer from colic, they usually bite at their stomachs, roll in their place and refuse to eat. It is one of the most hazardous diseases. In this case veterinary attention is essential. So make sure that the water and feed that you are giving to your horse should be hygienic for sustaining your horse’s health.

It is a common disease of a horse. Laminitis takes place in two forms i.e. acute and chronic. The starting sign in acute disease is rapid whereas in chronic disease the symptoms found later. When a horse suffers from laminitis, it becomes difficult for him to walk without pain. In this case horse should get proper veterinary attention. Regularly wash the feet of horse after riding as it will avert them from injuries.

It isn't necessarily a disease of a horse, but an obstacle of many horse diseases. Founder happens when a disease, such as laminitis, goes untreated for a long period of time. When a horse suffers from this obstacle, it becomes difficult for him to stand and move without pain. The horses suffering from this problem needs proper veterinary attention. Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis
It is an infection of the central nervous system of horses. It is caused by a parasite called Sarcocystis neurona. It can turn severe if left untreated. While suffering from this dilemma he might move as if he is drunk, unsure of every foot step that he puts forward.

Equine Influenza
It is a common disease of a horse. Viruses are some of the most deadly horse diseases because they can spread rapidly through an infected horse. When a horse suffers from this disease various symptoms like fever, dry coughs, increased mucus production and depression can be noticed.
Fortunately, equine influenza usually disappears on its own after a week or two. The horse should not be ridden during this time, and a veterinary consultation is advised.

For making your horse healthy you need to monitor your horse activities daily. The above tips and guidelines on horse health will definitely help you maintain the health of you horse.

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