Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cat - How to buy a kitten

Besides the new kitten, what else should you receive from the breeder at thetime of payment? He or she should ask you to take your new pet to a veterinarianof your choice within two days of purchase. The breeder should also offer to letyou return the kitten for a refund if it is not in good health.
Cat Bill of Sale
You should receive a written bill of sale stating: (1) the aforementionedprivilege of return; (2) the date of purchase and any conditions of sale; (3) theprice paid; (4) the registration numbers and names of the parents; (5) the litter orindividual registration number of the kitten; and (6) its date of birth and descrip-tion, including breed, sex, and color.
You should also receive registration papers. If the breeder has not yet re-ceived the papers (sometimes this happens), be sure that the bill of sale states thisfact and indicates that the papers will be sent when they are received by the breeder. You should never be asked to pay extra for the kitten's registration pa-pers—you have a right to them.
In some instances, the breeder may indicate that the kitten is not forbreeding purposes and will ask you to sign an agreement to this effect. One copyof the agreement goes to the registry. Breeders are within their rights to ask this.

Instructions for Care
The breeder should also give you written instructions on feeding andcare. Dates of any wormings that have taken place, and the type of medicine used,should be included. You should also receive a statement, signed by a veterinarian,of all vaccinations given and the date of the next scheduled vaccination.
When you take your new kitten home, be sure that it has plenty of time forrest. Have a litter box, bedding (a blanket or soft pillow), food, and water awaitingyour new arrival. Be gentle and patient and always keep in mind your size. Afterall, the kitten has been brought to a strange home to live with "giants," who cannotcommunicate directly and who have new rules. Follow the breeder's instructionsfor feeding and care until you see your veterinarian. Be sure that you are presentwhen your kitten is with small children. Kittens can suffer severe injuries and evendeath from being dropped, hit, or squeezed by a child.

After the first cat show was held in England in 1871, breeding cats for certainphysical and temperamental qualities, and registering the cats produced, becameimportant. There are several registries in this country, and more abroad, each withits own standards and specifications for the breeds.
The Cat Fanciers' Association (C.F.A.), founded in 1906, is the largest registryin the United States. The C.F.A. has registered more than one-half million cats sinceits inception, and it sponsors some 200 annual shows across the country. TheAmerican Cat Association registers over 10,000 cats a year and sponsors about 75national cat shows. In addition, there are the Cat Fanciers' Federation, the Ameri-can Cat Fanciers' Association, the International Cat Association, and United CatFederation. In Canada, the Canadian Cat Association is a major registry. The Fed-eration International Feline d'Europe is a primary European association.

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