Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dog - Dog health

Your pet dog needs equal extent of health care as that of any other member in your family. He is also susceptible to diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and even emotional depression along with added diseases like heartworms and kennel cough. Being a responsible owner of a pet you are required to be a cautious observer of the behavioral changes and physical movements of your dog to ensure dog health care.
Your dog will be performing its tasks and activities well if he is in a good health. The following information might help you to take up effective steps for dog health care.

Dog Health Care Information
We know that dogs are often the victims of diseases just like a man is. Rather it becomes quite difficult to detect your dog to be unwell since he is unable to verbally communicate with you as a member of your family can. It is you who should be keen and watchful of your dog’s behavior and the level of activity performed by him. The following are the accounts of some general diseases that a dog can be attacked with.
  • Ticks and fleas are the common health concerns for dogs. Ticks generally stay near the regions of head, neck and ears and they can cause allergies and skin irritations. Some fleas may cause anemia in dogs as they feed on the blood of your pet. Fleas are also responsible for causing other intestinal worms like tape worm, hook worm along with diarrhea and fever. Thin young puppies with pot bellies are actually because of being attacked by worms. Canine distemper and Prognosis needs special medical attention for treatment. You may control the prevalence of ticks and fleas by keeping the surroundings clean and tidy. While removing ticks manually make sure of using rubber hand gloves to avoid direct contact with blood. For driving away fleas and ticks you may also use chemicals like Butox or Asuntol.
  • Parvovirus is highly infectious viral disease and if attacked by the disease your pet should immediately be taken to veterinary clinic. The disease shows symptoms like blood diarrhea, excessive vomiting, loss of appetite and restlessness. The disease is so dangerous that it can even take away life within few days in case of a big dog and merely few hours for a puppy.
  • Kennel cough or canine Para influenza though less severe than distemper but is characterized by nasal discharge and continuous dry coughing. It is a common lung disease among dogs and become severe in nature only if it is left untreated. Para influenza vaccination would be ideal for treating the disease.
  • Rabies is highly infectious disease and is also dangerous for us too as the germ can be transferred to human beings as well. The symptoms include foaming of the mouth, hydrophobia, sensitive to light, loss of appetite and even behavioral and personality changes. The only way to stay away from the disease is by getting your dog vaccinated when he or she is a little pup of about three months.
  • Canine Coronavirus is a contagious disease which is spread through feces. The incubation period is for 1 to 1.5 days and after which the dog would show up symptoms similar to that of parvovirus though mild in severity. The germs can be killed by bleaching.
  • Canine Hepatitis disease rarely occurs and the incubation period is about 4 to 9 days. The symptoms include loss of appetite, vomiting tendency, depression, discharge from eyes and nose. This disease can be eradicated by bleach.
  • Heartworm is caused by mosquitoes. The worm is about one foot and floats in blood in one of the heart’s chambers. The dog when attacked by a heart worm will suffer from poor appetite, breathing problem, repeated coughing and such. The disease can be treated with pills taken either on a regular or a monthly basis.

Cat - How to buy a kitten

Besides the new kitten, what else should you receive from the breeder at thetime of payment? He or she should ask you to take your new pet to a veterinarianof your choice within two days of purchase. The breeder should also offer to letyou return the kitten for a refund if it is not in good health.
Cat Bill of Sale
You should receive a written bill of sale stating: (1) the aforementionedprivilege of return; (2) the date of purchase and any conditions of sale; (3) theprice paid; (4) the registration numbers and names of the parents; (5) the litter orindividual registration number of the kitten; and (6) its date of birth and descrip-tion, including breed, sex, and color.
You should also receive registration papers. If the breeder has not yet re-ceived the papers (sometimes this happens), be sure that the bill of sale states thisfact and indicates that the papers will be sent when they are received by the breeder. You should never be asked to pay extra for the kitten's registration pa-pers—you have a right to them.
In some instances, the breeder may indicate that the kitten is not forbreeding purposes and will ask you to sign an agreement to this effect. One copyof the agreement goes to the registry. Breeders are within their rights to ask this.

Instructions for Care
The breeder should also give you written instructions on feeding andcare. Dates of any wormings that have taken place, and the type of medicine used,should be included. You should also receive a statement, signed by a veterinarian,of all vaccinations given and the date of the next scheduled vaccination.
When you take your new kitten home, be sure that it has plenty of time forrest. Have a litter box, bedding (a blanket or soft pillow), food, and water awaitingyour new arrival. Be gentle and patient and always keep in mind your size. Afterall, the kitten has been brought to a strange home to live with "giants," who cannotcommunicate directly and who have new rules. Follow the breeder's instructionsfor feeding and care until you see your veterinarian. Be sure that you are presentwhen your kitten is with small children. Kittens can suffer severe injuries and evendeath from being dropped, hit, or squeezed by a child.

After the first cat show was held in England in 1871, breeding cats for certainphysical and temperamental qualities, and registering the cats produced, becameimportant. There are several registries in this country, and more abroad, each withits own standards and specifications for the breeds.
The Cat Fanciers' Association (C.F.A.), founded in 1906, is the largest registryin the United States. The C.F.A. has registered more than one-half million cats sinceits inception, and it sponsors some 200 annual shows across the country. TheAmerican Cat Association registers over 10,000 cats a year and sponsors about 75national cat shows. In addition, there are the Cat Fanciers' Federation, the Ameri-can Cat Fanciers' Association, the International Cat Association, and United CatFederation. In Canada, the Canadian Cat Association is a major registry. The Fed-eration International Feline d'Europe is a primary European association.

Fish - Fish health

It is worth getting to know the basic anatomy of a fish in case you need to describe an injury or disease symptom to a veterinarian or dealer; if you know the names of the external parts of the body it will help you to pinpoint the problem more accurately. Another reason is that hooks often describe the shapes of fishes and if you know which particular fins or parts of the body they are referring to, you will have a basic idea of what the fish looks like even without seeing an illustration or photograph.
The majority of fish diseases are caused through stress. So how are fish put under stress? Sad to say, most fish are put under stress by their owners or visitors to the house. People tapping on the front glass,temperatures being allowed to rise and fall, or a poor mixture of fish in which one or two are bullies and the others are bullied all contribute to stress. If fish are not put under these types of stress, then the chances of them contracting disease are dramatically reduced. Look for signs of stress in the tank on a regular basis. Are the fish nervous? Is one fish chasing all the others about? Does the temperature fluctuate or does it stay too low? If you can remedy these situations diseases will occur much less frequently.
Fish will always show symptoms of disease at an early stage. Signs to look for include fish holding their fins tightly clamped to the body(often referred to as being 'closed up'), fish swimming with the head near to the surface all the time, fish swimming with the head up or down, loss of co lour, ragged fins, scales sticking out or dropping off,and a general loss of appetite and condition.
The brown discus called Nymphs is the more common of the two discus species. There are two subspecies of the brown discus, one blue, one green.The body differs markedly from the 'standard' fish shape shown below; it is compressed vertically and appears very narrow when viewed head-on. Bright blue lines cross the body; in the brown discus they may only occur on the face.

White spot (chiropterans)
White spots that increase in number .Responds to treatment. Eliminate stress-causing factors.
Velvet (Odin)
Rusty coloring to skin and clamping up of fins. Effective proprietary remedies are widely available.

Affected fish swells up and does no teat. Investigate water conditions and diet. Treat with antibacterial and remove sick fish from tank.

A condition in which one or both eyes protrude from head. Can be due to injury or bacterial infection. Seek immediate veterinary help.

Small holes appear on head and body.This condition often affects cichlids.ures are slow and expensive. Improve tank conditions.

Cotton-wool-like growths on the ski nand fins. Treat with fungicide. Check water conditions and temperature.

Mouth fungus
Tuft like growths around the mouth plus skin ulcers and fin damage. Often seen in cyprinids. Despite name it is caused by bacteria and responds to bactericide. Check stress factors.

Fin rot
Fins are damaged by bacteria. Use an antibacterial or add salt to the water.

Fish parasites Fish parasites are generally regarded as larger life forms living on the body of a fish. Parasites are rare in tank fishes and usually only occur on imported wild-caught species.
Gill flukes Gill flukes are like tiny worms that anchor themselves to the fish's gills,causing respiratory problems and,eventually, death. Suspect gill flukes ia fish begins to swim at the water surface gasping for air. Treat with amid parasitic, but first make sure that the water is being oxygenated properly and that the biological filter is working correctly.

Skin flukes Instead of anchoring themselves to the gills, these flukes attach to the skin. They can be removed with tweezers or a parasitic.
Fish lice Fish lice such as Argils resemble miniature tortoises on the fish's body .Remove them carefully with tweezers.
Although more commonly encountered on cold water fishes, this fish louse (Argils) has attached itself to a swordtail, a tropical species. The louse grows to l0mm(0.4in) across and clings on with twin suckers.
1. Several fish gasping at the surface and breathing fast
Check to see that the air stone is functioning and that there is good water movement in the tank.
2. Check that the under gravel filter is functioning properly.
See that heater has not stuck on.) Perform a 30% water change.

If after a water change these symptoms persist, the fish may be suffering from gill flukes. Isolate the fish if possible and treat them with suitable remedy.
3. Fish holding its fins clamped to the body (i.e. 'closed up')
Check the heater function and that the temperature is correct.

See that nothing has been added to the aquarium that might be poisonous to the fishes, including aerosols possibly sprayed near the tank during routine cleaning of the room.
If you have checked and cleared the above, make a 30% water change and use a mild bactericide.
3. Fish dying and swimming in a`whirling' pattern
These are classic signs of poisoning. Perform a 50% water change and locate the source of the problem. This may be a poisonous rock or object in the tank, which you must remove .Isolate any affected fish in a separate tank while you clean the original one.
Fish rubbing themselves against rocks and 'flicking'

Several possible causes, such as white spot, external parasites or an irritant in the water.
Inspect the fish closely. If white spots or parasites are present on the skin, treat them appropriately with suitable remedy.
If all looks well on the fishes' skin carry out a 30% water change. If the symptoms noticeably decrease after this, suspect the presence of some irritant in the aquarium.
If symptoms increase after the water change, suspect something wrong with your tap water or conditioner. Is there too much chlorine in the water or are you overdosing with de chlorinator?


If you have a spare tank or one used for quarantining new fish, it will also be useful for isolating sick or injured fish. Set it up with just a heater/thermostat and a thermometer, plus an air stone. It will not need a filter, as sick and injured fish will not be fed for the short time they are in the tank. Transfer any fish found to be injured,sick or carrying a parasitic infestation to this tank and treat them in isolation from the community tank.Some form of opaque cover is a good idea so that you can reduce the light. This is often helpful during treatment.
White spot (Ichthyophthirius)appears as tiny white spots, each onea cyst that eventually bursts to send its single-celled, or protozoal,parasites Into the tank, where they will affect the other fishes with potentially fatal results.

Bird - How to buy a bird

Before purchasing birds, it is a good idea to visit some bird gardens, zoos and private aviaries to look at their healthy specimens. Compare the different types and observe their behaviourclosely.

The choice of dealer is most important when buying birds. Check up on as many different sources as possible, as pet stores vary tremendously in the quality and selection of birds on offer. Do try to takes much time as possible over this. It is often better to wait a little longer for the birds of your choice, rather than to buy inferior stock. It may also be possible too brain birds from experienced fanciers who wish to sell their surplus stock. There are some basic points to search for when trying to select healthy birds:
1. Make sure the bird is not sitting huddled up with feathers puffed out.
2. Ensure that the eyes are clear and open, showing no signs of a watery discharge.
3. Check the vent to make sure it is clean and unsoiled. It should not appear the damp.
4. Make sure that the legs and feet are undamaged and toe nails are intact.
5. Examine the nostrils to see that they’re clear and free from discharge.
6. Feel the breast bone of larger birds to see that there is a fair amount of flesh on the breast.

Do not worry unduly about the appearance of the plumage. Molting bird soften look quite scruffy, as do those that are feather plucked or have had wings clipped by dealers or exporters. Feathers soon grow again and a bath often makes bird look much better. The only point to remember when purchasing a moult-in bird is that its general health may be little under par and extra nourishment may be required.

When trying to choose a true pair of birds of a species where no sexual differences are visible or described, it is avis-able to purchase several birds and allow them to pair up. This usually results in at least one true pair and the surplus may then be sold or exchanged.

When purchasing birds, note that very healthy specimens often sit balanced ionone foot while perching or roosting. This is usually a good sign, although some healthy birds resolutely perch on both feet. A bird that is seen to be busily preening its feathers is generally a fit bird, interested in its appearance and in reasonable health. If a bird is at the feeding dish, look for signs of a healthy appetite. Avoid a bird that appears to be gorging itself on grit. Too much grit indicates a poor or sluggish digestion. In general, choose a bird which appears fairly lively and interested in its surroundings.

Keep new birds in separate cages in the bird room or shelter for a short period before releasing them into an outside aviary. Remember to acclimatize birds that are to live outside. They should not be transferred from an indoor site to an immediate drop in temperature, although this need not be a problem if the weather is warm or if the bird has come from another outside location.

When choosing birds it is important to select only those which can live together in harmony. Incompatible birds fight over favorite perching spots, nesting sites and feeding dishes. Unhappy birds refuse to breed and, in extreme cases, severe injuries, such as damaged toes or the loss of an eye can be caused, particularly amongst the parrot like species.

It must be emphasis Ed that these groups are a guide only — always remember that there are individual birds who may have aggressive tendencies. Watch out for bullies and isolate individuals where necessary. It is often better to sell such a bird, rather than to wait and hope it may change its ways. Sometimes, however, the addition of another dominant type may alter the situation.

It is a good idea for the novice bird keeper to start his collection with seed-eaters, possibly moving on to the more difficult soft hill species at a later stage. The most easily managed species of seedeaters are the Zebra Finch, Bengalese and many of the small waxbills. Australian Grass finches, while relatively easy to care for, may need extra warmth .Budgerigars, cockatiels and small arrangements, such as Bourke's Parakeet, are every simple to care for.

Where parrot like birds are concerned, very few species may be kept together. Try to house any of the lovebird species in mixed collection. They may look small and beautiful, but their sharp, curved beaks can be lethal. They should only be kept in pairs in individual housing. The Fischer's Lovebird is the only species which may safely be kept in a colony of its own breed. Never put lovebirds in with finches for they will certainly attack. The same warning applies to all the small species of parrot, such parakeets conjures and all the nectar-feedingparrakeets.

The size of the aviary has a considerable influence on the success of mixing various species. Birds are always less tolerant of one another in a small enclose-sure than in a larger area, as they are territorial creatures who like to claim the largest spot for themselves.

Smaller birds are content with a smaller area for their own preserve than the larger species. Breeding pairs must be allotted more space than single species. If there is very little space available, consider keeping only single cock birds of individual species. In this way, it is possible to house a colorful collection of attractive birds without risk of fighting. Sonic birds prefer densely planted aviaries, which provide the best cover forest building and privacy for the more timid and shy birds. If keeping birds such as the Chinese Painted Quail and other ground species, take care not to tread on their eggs or young.

Providing several roosting spots, nest-in sites and feeding dishes prevents arguments between birds. Too few roost-in spots or nesting sites in the accommodation means fighting can break out even amongst the most placid birds. Nest boxes arid baskets should be placed as far apart as possible and evenly distributed around the quarters.

When introducing new birds of any kind to a mixed collection, it is useful to provide an extra place for the new birds to feed, so that they do not interfere with the usual feeding routine.
 It is quite easy to keep birds of similar size and habits together. If a smaller types introduced to the collection it is likely to be bullied, likewise if a larger type is brought in it often tries to dominate thirst.

In their natural state, birds operate a pecking order': the stronger dominate and rule the weaker. This order is often observed in a captive collection and when newcomer is introduced it is certainly noticed. Such encounters are best kept toad minimum and should he watched closely. In a few days the normal order should be restored. Large omnivorous birds and insect eating species should only be kept together when they are of similar size, strength and habit.

Turtle - Types of Pet Turtles

The basic prerequisite of owning a pet is high level of commitment and patience. The responsibility of the pet’s wellbeing is entirely upon the shoulders of the pet owner. So if you think you’ll be able to dedicate ample of time for a pet then only a pet turtle will work great as a pet option as a turtle’s care is no piece of cake. By now if you’ve made up your mind to get yourself a pet turtle then I can guide you with some of the breed options best to be tamed.  

Box Turtles make amazing pets as…
The box turtles having a domed shell make perfect pets as they are creatures of land and are generally located in areas such as mossy forests. Creating this atmosphere for them is quite hassle free and all one needs to do is create an outdoor pen for them. The pen should include both a shady area as well as an open area. For them sun basking is essentially important. Enough soil or sand should be provided in the pen for them to hibernate in winter months. Moreover, the defense mechanism within them lets them shut completely in threatening moments.

Map turtle is yet another breed which people enjoy to keep: 
People interested in taming turtles are often found keen to tame map turtles. They are aquatic turtles and prefer living in fresh water. The name of these turtles is kept as map turtles as their body covered with markings of green, yellow and cream color which makes them appear like a road map. The average growth of females is around 11 inches while a male map turtle never exceeds 7 inches. If you are planning to keep a pair of map turtles then the minimum tank capacity should never be less than 20 gallons. All one needs to arrange for them while taming is a proper pen and supply of fresh water.

Brightly colored painted turtles are also great as pet options:
This is a semi aquatic breed of turtles which is commonly found near the banks of Mississippi River in Southern US. The shells of these turtles are brightly colored with beautiful marking patterns on them. Their exquisite look and attractiveness usually becomes a reason for keeping them as pets. Their disposition is quite peaceful and passive which makes them an adorable pet. The maximum length this turtle can grow up to is just 12 inches which is pretty manageable as a pet.

Mud turtles make the most hassle free pet:
The mud turtles are extremely manageable and cute to be kept as pets, reason behind it being its appearance. The mud turtle has an average length of five inches and can survive easily indoor as well as outdoor. This omnivorous species of turtle is excellent to be kept as a pet. All one needs to take care of is to provide them with a large tank if kept indoor and in case you are planning to keep it outdoor you’ll just have to create a muddy area in the pen for them to hibernate.
So, if you are a novice in turtle management, you can surely opt any of these to be your first pet turtle as none of these breeds will ever create hassle while taming. Whichever breed you select, all you need to keep in mind is that you should be highly committed and concerned towards your pet.

Rabbit - Buying a Rabbit

The majority of rabbit breeders are anxious to assist new-comers to rabbit keeping and to supply rabbits at reasonable prices. If the breeder who is to supply the stock is unknown to the purchaser it is, however, often wise to purchase animal son approval. There are several journals which operate approval schemes in which the purchase money is deposited with them until' the sale has been concluded satisfactorily.In this way the novice can obtain the assistance of an expert to examine his purchase on arrival, to satisfy himself that it is worth the price to be paid and is exactly what he wants. If the rabbit is not satisfactory it should be returned immediately after feeding and resting, for unless it is returned within a day or two, the seller may be within his rights in refusing to have it back. Generally speaking, for obvious reasons, breeders will not sell stud bucks on approval.

There is an important distinction between buying a mated doe and a doe in kindle. If the purchaser buys a doe in kindle, then he can reasonably expect it to give birth to aglitter, and in fact, a doe so sold is really being sold on this guarantee. There is of course no guarantee that the litter will be satisfactory. If however, a mated doe is purchased,the position is different. The breeder guarantees that the doe has been mated to one of his bucks. He does not guarantee that the doe has held to this mating, that is, that she is in kindle.

There is no doubt that the best stock possible should be purchased. Very often cheap ' bargains turn out to be very expensive. It is far better to purchase one or two really good animals rather than a larger number of poorer quality. It is often advisable for the purchaser to visit the rabbi try from which a purchase is anticipated, before making his final decision. He can then observe hose the breeder handles his stock, whether they are kept in a satisfactory manner, and so on. Such visits sometimes prevent what might otherwise have been an unfortunate purchase.

Horse - Horse health

How to look after your horse health? If this is the question that is flying in your mind than you must know that just like humans, health of horse plays a vital role while dealing with them. Horses easily get infected with the change in weather, unhygienic food, dust, dirty water or unhygienic place. If you want your horse to be beautiful and majestic than all you need to do is to provide good health to your horse.

The owner must have the basic knowledge about the disease often found in horses. At times Veterinarians live far away or are unable to respond to a call immediately, so owners should handle a sick horse on their own.
Some of the common diseases seen in horses and some horse health tips are mentioned below so that in an emergency, action can be taken.


It is the most commonly found disease in a horse. It is a sensitive gastrointestinal dilemma. In some cases, it indicates as an impaction of waste in the intestines; in others, it might respond as a stomach ache from changing feed or eating too fast.
When horses suffer from colic, they usually bite at their stomachs, roll in their place and refuse to eat. It is one of the most hazardous diseases. In this case veterinary attention is essential. So make sure that the water and feed that you are giving to your horse should be hygienic for sustaining your horse’s health.

It is a common disease of a horse. Laminitis takes place in two forms i.e. acute and chronic. The starting sign in acute disease is rapid whereas in chronic disease the symptoms found later. When a horse suffers from laminitis, it becomes difficult for him to walk without pain. In this case horse should get proper veterinary attention. Regularly wash the feet of horse after riding as it will avert them from injuries.

It isn't necessarily a disease of a horse, but an obstacle of many horse diseases. Founder happens when a disease, such as laminitis, goes untreated for a long period of time. When a horse suffers from this obstacle, it becomes difficult for him to stand and move without pain. The horses suffering from this problem needs proper veterinary attention. Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis
It is an infection of the central nervous system of horses. It is caused by a parasite called Sarcocystis neurona. It can turn severe if left untreated. While suffering from this dilemma he might move as if he is drunk, unsure of every foot step that he puts forward.

Equine Influenza
It is a common disease of a horse. Viruses are some of the most deadly horse diseases because they can spread rapidly through an infected horse. When a horse suffers from this disease various symptoms like fever, dry coughs, increased mucus production and depression can be noticed.
Fortunately, equine influenza usually disappears on its own after a week or two. The horse should not be ridden during this time, and a veterinary consultation is advised.

For making your horse healthy you need to monitor your horse activities daily. The above tips and guidelines on horse health will definitely help you maintain the health of you horse.