Fish Care Tips

Pet fish will not only enhance the beauty of your home but also be your ideal companion especially during your past time. Fish in aquarium are common household objects of beautification of varying sizes. Beautiful colored fish will look more attractive if they are properly taken care of. The following fish care tips would help you to get a clear idea in maintaining your aquarium exhibiting colorful fish in a miniature aquatic life.

Aquarium Fish Care

  • You may pour ordinary water inside the aquarium for pet fish. But many a times fish face problem is breathing if the water is contaminated with excess amount of chlorine and other dissolved gases. So, before transferring water into the aquarium you may condition the water before hand. The method of conditioning of water includes allowing the water to stand in a tank for one and two weeks. The stagnant water will then experience exchange of gases between water and air. The small organic particles settle down, the fine fish parasites also die and also bacteria get opportunity to grow in balanced proportion. You may also contact your nearby pet shop to treat the water with chemicals in order to remove chlorine and chloramines from the water prepared for the aquarium.
    To make a more suitable place of living for your fish you may go to the local pet shop for nitrogen fixing bacterial culture. Sometimes you may find that the water has turned cloudy but that is a natural phenomenon as that is caused due to incidence of large number of bacteria. Within few days the water becomes again clear and you may then use it for aquarium.
  • The maintenance of proper temperature ideal for the fish to survive is regarded as one of the important fish care tips. What should be the right temperature for fish in the aquarium depends upon the breed of the fish. But generally the temperature ranges between 74 F and 78 F. Water of high temperatures are generally characterized by high incidence of bacteria and less amount of dissolved oxygen. You may also arrange for a 5 watt aquarium heater in order to regulated temperature changes. Due to sudden temperature changes often fish receive shock and may even die due to occurrence of diseases. To keep a track on the temperature inside the aquarium you may fix a thermometer with direct contact with water of the aquarium.
  • Light is an important factor in fish care tips. Fish do require sufficient amount of light in order to see, feed itself and also to make pair and reproduce. In fact, the brightness of the color of the scales also depends upon the quantity of light received by the fish. You should make sure that your fish get exposed to light at least for 12 hours in a day. An artificial light has equal efficacy for the maintenance of fish. Artificial light rather helps to control the growth of algae and planktons inside the aquarium water body.
  • While you are purchasing an aquarium you should also decide on where you will be locating the aquarium . Always try to place the aquarium where your fish will get sunlight for the maximum period of time. But be careful of not putting the aquarium under direct sun rays as that might lead to over heating of the water and as a result of which both fish and plants may die. Also try not to place the aquarium near a heater, radiator or in any temperature conditioned room that can be unsuitable for the healthy survival of fish. The main ingredient of a perfect fish diet is protein. So, you may feed your fish with any protein rich food items like pellets, flakes and such. Some big fish are completely vegetarian and so do a great deal of research work on the food habits of the breed of the fish that you are willing to purchase.